The holiday weekend is right on top of us. For many that means house guests, and by extension, small children. Stairs have the ability to beautify and increase value for any home. At Acadia Stairs we appreciate this fact more than most. We also know that any staircase comes with inherent dangers for small children. If you're planning to entertain this weekend, please be aware of guests who are bringing children. Let the parents know where the stairs are and perhaps preemptively address the situation with a baby gate.
We know that there are some of you who are saying, "I've tried that. My railing makes life really difficult." We did a little research for you and found a clever, inexpensive solution: Y Spindles 2-Pack - One Step Ahead Baby . While we neither sell nor manufacture this product, we're happy to say that we do know a little stair company that could easily fabricate a custom steel or stainless steel stairwell gate for you.
Whatever your plans, have a safe and happy Passover and Easter from all of us at
Acadia Stairs.